Myopia Control

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is defined as the inability to see objects in the distance. There are a lot of people throughout the United States who have this condition, with many of them first noticing the symptoms in childhood. Our eye doctor at Medina Eye Care serving San Antonia, TX, and Castroville, TX, knows a lot about nearsightedness (myopia) treatment.

Myopia Treatment in Childhood and Later

For many years, the only method of myopia control that optometrists could offer their patients was a choice between glasses and contact lenses. These are still valid choices today, and many patients are perfectly happy with these methods.

For young children, glasses can be prescribed by our eye doctor as a first step. The truth, however, is that glasses actually do very little to control myopia. While they can help a person to see better, glasses do not affect the eyes in anyway. That means a person's nearsightedness could continue to get worse as they get older.

Fortunately, there are new therapies that are becoming available that can control, stop, and in some cases reverse myopia. Specialty protein eye drops can be prescribed to children that will essentially "freeze" the eyes in the condition that they're in. This prevents the eyes from getting worse as the child ages. In some cases, this may mean that a child will not have to wear glasses all the time, especially if this condition is caught early enough.

It should be noted, however, that these drops usually do not reverse nearsightedness. While they can prevent the condition from getting worse with treatment. They will not make it better.

Adults who are looking to control their myopia and reverse its effects may want to explore surgical options such as LASIK. This surgery reshapes the lens of the eye so that a person no longer has myopia. Ask our optometrist if you can qualify.

Get Nearsightedness Treatment with Our Optometrist

If you live in the (210) 225-4141 San Antonio, TX, or (830) 931-2328 Castroville, TX, area and you're interested in myopia control, give our optometrist office a call for Medina Eye Care. Our eye doctor can help you find the right treatment that can help you to control your myopia.